ח'אמנאי מאדיר את משה"מ אך אינו פוסל את קבלת נהליFATF שאימוצם יפגע במשה"מ הנחשב במערב לארגון טרור
מאת: א. סביון וי. כרמון
בנאום בפני קציני משמרות המהפכה ב-18.9.16 לרגל "שבוע הכוחות המזויינים" באיראן, האדיר מנהיג איראן, עלי ח'אמנאי, את משה"מ ואת היותם אבן הפינה החשובה של משטר המהפכה, של כוחות הצבא, של כלכלת המדינה ושל החברה האיראנית. ח'אמנאי אמר כי משה"מ הם החזית החזקה של המהפכה והגורם המגן על ביטחון הפנים והחוץ. הם המהות החשובה להתקדמות המדינה והמהפכה.
ח'אמנאי דחה טענת הנשיא רוחאני שהסרת האיום הצבאי מעל איראן היא בזכות הסכם הגרעין וכן את קריאת ראש המועצה לאבטחת האינטרס של המשטר, האשמי רפסנג'אני, לנהוג כמו גרמניה ויפן ולהשקיע בכלכלה ולא בבניית הצבא, בהדגישו כי הגורמים היחידים המסירים איום צבאי היו ויהיו "עוצמה הגנתית וצבאית" ו"יצירת פחד בקרב האויב," ולכן יש להעצים את היכולות הצבאיות של איראן. גרמניה ויפן, אמר, אולצו לפרק את צבאן שלא מרצונן ואיבדו את עצמאותן. לדבריו, מהות המדינה, נובעת מעצמאותה, תרבותה ואמונותיה, ואל לה לאיראן לעזוב את מהותה האמתית ולציית ל"שיטות השגויות וחסרות הכבוד של המערביים," כגון יחסם לתופעת "ההומוסקסואליות המבישה המנוגדת ליצירת האנושות".
זאת ועוד, ח'אמנאי חזר על אזהרתו והוראתו שאין להידבר עם ארה"ב. הוא חשף כי האמריקאים "מתעקשים שנידבר איתם בנוגע לסוריה, עיראק, לבנון ותימן" ומתח ביקורת על אלה באיראן - ברמיזה לראשי המחנה הפרגמטי, רפסנג'אני ורוחאני - הקוראים להדברות עם ארה"ב ש"בסתר ליבם" לא מאמינים שהיא איננה האויב. שיחות עם אמריקה, קבע ח'אמנאי, מכשירות את הקרקע לחדירת האויב וגורמות לפיגורה של איראן. ראינו את עוינותה לאורך שנות המהפכה ובעיקר בשיחות הגרעין, ולכן יש להטיל בה ספק מוחלט ולא לקיים עמה שיחות.
יצוין כי נאום ח'אמנאי בא על רקע פולמוס ציבורי המתנהל סביב השאלה האם איראן תקבל על עצמה את נהלי (FATF) Financial Action Task Force , הגוף הבינ"ל למלחמה בהלבנת הון, ובכך תאמץ את הסדר הכלכלי המערבי המחייבה לשקיפות ולראייה המערבית שמשה"מ הוא ארגון טרור.[1] ח'אמנאי נמנע מלהתייחס בנאומו לסוגיה קריטית זו העומדת בראש סדר היום המדיני ולא התבטא נגד ה-FATF. אדרבה, עפ"י דיווחים בתקשורת האיראנית, הבנקים באיראן החלו ביישום נהלי FATF. מזכיר המועצה העליונה לביטחון לאומי, עלי שמח'אני, אמר ב-14.9.16, כי המועצה קיבלה החלטה בעניין אך היא טעונה את אישור המנהיג ח'אמנאי.[2]
כמו בעבר, חוזר דפוס הפעולה של ח'אמנאי החושף את חולשתו כמנהיג. ברגעי משבר ח'אמנאי נמנע מלקבל החלטה בשאלות קריטיות הנוגעות לאופיו המהפכני של המשטר האיראני בעימות מול המערב. כך למשל, בנושא הסכם הגרעין הוא אישר את המהלך בכל שלב אך דיבר נגדו. נראה כי גם כאן הוא מאשר את קבלת המלצות FATF ע"י הבנקים באיראן, המסרבים לשתף פעולה עם משה"מ, ומצד שני מאדיר את שמו של משה"מ בנאומים פומביים.
להבדיל מנושא הסכם הגרעין שבו לא נפגע שום גורם איראני באופן מעשי מן הוויתורים
האיראניים, הרי במקרה של נהלי FATF משה"מ נפגע באופן ישיר וקשות. אין לדעת
אם הנהגת משה"מ – שהיא מקור כוחו הפוליטי והצבאי של ח'אמנאי – תסכים לקבל
עליה פגיעה זו, המערערת את כוחה ואחיזתה בשלטון.
יחד עם זאת, דברי סגן מפקד משה"מ, חוסין סלאמי, בריאיון לערוץ 2 של הטלוויזיה האיראנית ב-22.9.2016, מעידים על השלמה עם האפשרות שאיראן תקבל עליה את נהלי FATF. סלאמי אמר: "בנוגע למשה"מ, FATF לא ישפיע עליו בשום צורה ובשום אופן, אף לא בזעיר אנפין, כי משה"מ הוא מוסד חוקי ופועל לגמרי לפי הקריטריונים החוקיים של איראן. זה מוסד יציב, עוצמתי וחזק והוא כבר מצא דרכים לחיות בתנאי עוינות עם האויבים הגדולים ביותר. הוא התנסה בכך ויודע כיצד לנהוג."
מסמך זה יציג את קטעים מנוסח נאום ח'אמנאי באנגלית כפי שפורסמו ע"י לשכתו באתרו:
Khamenei's Speech
As Khomeini Said, If The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Did Not Exist, The Country Would Not Exist Either
"Pointing to the significance, value and high status of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, [Khamenei] said: 'The reason why Imam (r.a.) [i.e. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini] made that well-known statement – "" – was that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is a blessed tree from whose identity faith [the] revolutionary and jihadi movement blossoms. And preserving the country and the Revolution is dependent on the continuation of these important elements...
"'After the passage of 37 years from the
Islamic Revolution, particularly after the Sacred Defense Era, the truth of the
statement that that deep and experienced man – who always relied on God – made
about the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has become clearer than ever. It
should be said that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is the solid trench of
the Revolution... 'Besides ensuring security and attending to matters related
to defense, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is influential in other areas
as well– such as infrastructure, development, rendering services to underprivileged
classes, attending to cultural and artistic matters, and producing
revolutionary thoughts. These measures should continue and the public in the
country should be informed of them...
"Describing the defensive, infrastructure and cultural measures that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has adopted as outstanding and prominent, [Khamenei] reiterated that such an evaluation of the measures that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has adopted is realistic and impartial. He stressed: 'Even the enemies of the Islamic Republic and the Revolution have made such an evaluation about the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.' [He] stated that preserving the identity of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is an important course of action that requires vigilance and constant identification of detriments, saying: 'Preservation [of the IRGC's identity] does not mean lingering in time. On the contrary, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps should not be satisfied with its achievements in the arena of science, technology and innovation because the enemy is changing its tools and making new achievements. Therefore, its forward movement should not be stopped in any way'...
"[He added:] 'One of the responsibilities of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is ensuring domestic and foreign security. If foreign security does not exist and if the enemy is not confronted outside the borders of the country, domestic security will be undermined as well.'"
“We Should Strengthen The Defensive Power Of The Country On A Daily Basis”
"[Khamenei] stressed that the main requirement for putting an end to military threats is the increasing power of the Armed Forces, adding: 'In recent years, some officials [referring to President Rohani] have sometimes made certain statements implying that the elimination of military threats and the threat to wage a war has been because of such and such courses of action. This is while such statements are not correct because the only element that puts an end to military threats has been and will continue to be defensive and military power, and instillation of fear in the enemy.'
"The Supreme Leader... referred to recent statements saying that the reason behind the progress of some countries is the closedown of their military organizations[i]: 'It is very difficult to believe that those to whom these statements have been attributed have actually said such things. But if such statements have really been made, they are definitely wrong... The countries which have been said to have closed down their military organizations did not do so voluntarily. The reason why their military organizations have been closed is that they were destroyed in world wars and they were not allowed to have military organizations... No wise person puts his defensive force aside. So, we should strengthen the defensive power of the country on a daily basis.'
"[Khamenei] pointed to faith as the main factor in strengthening the defensive capability of the country and added: 'Asymmetric wars work in the same way. In such wars, the other side suffers from lack of faith despite the fact that it has advanced tools and equipment. He reiterated: 'A clear example of an asymmetric war occurred in Iraq. During that war, the popular forces of Iraq – which did not have advanced military equipment but which enjoyed a great degree of faith – managed to free regions which the American soldiers and their allies could not conquer since the beginning of their arrival in Iraq.'"
"Why Should We Abandon Our True Identity And Follow Wrong And [Disgraceful] Western Methods … Such As Homosexuality[?]"
"The Supreme Leader... touched on the issue of distorting the elements of the Islamic Republic's soft power and said: 'As well as the wrong statements that are made about the defensive power of the country, there are also some wrong notions and distortions about some revolutionary concepts. Such notions and distortions are even more dangerous than those wrong statements.' Khamenei stated that rejecting the concept of independence and considering it as equal to isolation[ii] is one of these distortions: 'The purpose of rejecting independence is following the systems that domineering powers have designed. Unfortunately, some people are repeating this notion whether knowingly or unknowingly.' [Khamenei] described 'independence, culture and belief' as the main source of identity for nations and stressed: 'Why should we abandon our true identity and follow wrong and ridiculous [in the Persian the word is 'disgraceful' - MEMRI] western methods?'
"[Khamenei] reiterated that the shameful issue of homosexuality is one of those cases which are to the disadvantage of humanity. He added: 'In global propaganda, they create uproar and tumult in a way that if someone rejects such issues, they will feel isolated. That is why even some western politicians advocate such wrong thoughts in order to win votes. He mentioned: 'The result of rejecting independence which westerners stress is this. Now, should we abandon the divine and enlightened philosophy of Islam and follow such a ridiculous thought?'
"The Supreme Leader... stated that another distortion of the elements of Islamic Republic's soft power is considering idealism as equal to irrationality: 'Idealism is the same as rationality. If a people lose their ideals, they will become empty from the inside, just like the situation that western societies are in today... Ideals are what engender enthusiasm towards progress and movement in nations. The loftier and the more experienced and enlightened these ideals are, the more precise the movement will become.'"
'Not Only Is Negotiating With America Not Beneficial, But It Is Also Harmful'
"Another distortion that [Khamenei] cited was the elimination of the Islamic Republic's distrust of imperialist powers in the world: 'One of the elements of the Islamic Republic's soft power is complete distrust of imperialist powers in the world, which are headed by America in the present time. [He] stressed the necessity of developing this complete distrust of America, adding: 'Unfortunately, some individuals [referring to Rafsanjani and Rohani] are not willing to accept this distrust. Although they mention in words that America is the enemy, but a genuine sense of lack of trust in America does not exist in them... When you have a feeling of enmity and a genuine distrust of the other side, you observe the requirements of this distrust in your negotiations and meetings and you never trust the other side's statements... We have witnessed America's enmity in the course of many years after the Revolution, during the recent nuclear negotiations and in other areas as well.' Citing a historical example, [he] said: 'On the issue of the Constitutional Movement, when the English were trusted and when the people steered towards their embassy, a fatal blow was delivered to us and the result was that the country remained backward for 75 years.'
"Addressing regional countries, [Khamenei] mentioned: 'If you are not vigilant, if you do not understand the plots that American imperialism hatches and if you are deceived by their smiles, it is possible that you too will remain backward for 50 or even 100 years.' [He] stressed: 'Today, if we open the way for negotiations with the Americans and for their temptations in different areas, not only will this prepare the ground for their overt and covert infiltration but it will also eternally prevent the country from achieving the desired progress. And under such circumstances, backwardness will be certain... The Americans insist that we should negotiate with them on issues related to West Asian countries – in particular Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. What is their real goal of asking us to negotiate with them? Their goal is nothing other than preventing the presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region as the main factor in American failures... Reason dictates that we completely distrust those who have shown their enmity in a clear way.'
"Khamenei pointed to the existence of some 'whispers' that the Islamic Republic should negotiate with America on regional matters, stating: 'Not only is negotiating with America not beneficial, but it is also harmful. This has been discussed with the high-ranking officials of the country by presenting cogent reasons and they did not have anything to say in rejecting it... The enemy is doing his best to undermine the security of the country. Therefore, all the military organizations and other organizations affiliated with them should protect this security as an important achievement in today's insecure world.'"
"Some People Wrongly Think That We Have Been Besieged, But We Will Bring All Our Enemies To Their Knees"
"[Khamenei] highlighted the importance of cultural and intellectual security as well as security in people's living environments: 'The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps should play its part in all these areas.' [He] mentioned that all the capabilities of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps pivot around faith and revolutionary and jihadi spirit, adding: 'You should not allow your revolutionary spirit to be undermined through a materialistic outlook and through entrance in the competition of materialism and extravagance.' He also stressed the necessity of education and preserving the bond that new generations in the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps have with revolutionary concepts. Describing Basij as a national capacity and expressing his joy at the existence of many activities in that popular organization, Khamenei stated that such activities should be given depth.
"[Khamenei] reiterated that the people of Iran can be role models in global developments: 'If officials and the people can achieve the economy of resistance in the real sense of the word, if they help the country to get rid of the enemy's monetary and financial tricks and if they destroy the value and mastery of the dollar over economic life, they have saved other countries as well as themselves and they will become a role model for them.'
"[Khmanei] said that the reason why the enemies are angry at the people of Iran is the inspirational nature of the Islamic Republic, stating: 'Despite the existence of massive pressures, sanctions and threats, the movement of the people of Iran has become bolder and more transparent every day and the good and auspicious sapling of the Islamic Revolution has become stronger on a daily basis... The Islamic Republic is still in the beginning of its path towards achieving lofty goals and ideals, but even this amount of moving forward and showing independence, resistance and firm determination has conquered the hearts of other nations... If we preserve our motivation, faith and firm determination and if we use our wisdom and intelligence correctly, we will overcome the plots that the enemies hatch in all areas. Some people wrongly think that we have been besieged, but we will bring all our enemies to their knees... I have no worries about the future and I believe that by Allah's favor, the future of the country will be much better than the present time.'"
[i] This refers to Rafanjani’s August 20, 2016 statement that Germany and Japan developed strong economies after they were banned from having military forces in the wake of World War II.
[ii] This alludes to statements made by Pragmatic camp leaders Rafsanjani and Rohani against Iran’s political isolation and in favor of engagement with the West.